4 Bathroom Trends We Love

When you envision bathroom design, many of us picture the cookie-cutter look: rimless rectangular mirror, a row of classic light bulbs, and a few drawers or cabinets below the sink. While there’s nothing wrong with opting for a traditional look, there are so many options out there when it comes to modern bathroom design!

Here are four trends we love that are stylish and still functional:

Floating Vanity

These have been popping up all over the place lately and it is easy to see why. They are a perfect choice if you’re going for a contemporary or minimalist look. Floating vanities create the illusion of a larger space because you can still see the floor below them, and best of all they make it easy to clean! No awkward corners and nooks to clean around.

Bold light fixtures

Gone are the days where bathroom lighting meant a row of fluorescent bulbs above the mirror. Faux-candlelight wall sconces, a grand chandelier above the tub, industrial-style edison bulbs, the possibilities are almost endless for bathroom mirrors! A bold light fixture can quickly take your bathroom from drab to fab.

Wall Art

If you are a commitment-phobe when it comes to interior design, wall art might be just the thing. Artwork in the bathroom can add a beautiful focal point, as well as add a pop of colour without committing to anything too permanent.

Customized storage solutions

There are two ways to reduce counter clutter: reduce the amount of things you own or find creative storage solutions. Once you get rid of the items that don’t spark joy (thanks Marie Kondo), you’ll still need a place to store the essential things. That’s where customized storage solution come in. Basic drawers and cabinets help, but a narrow pullout can make the most of every inch of space available and can be customized to meet your needs. A customized storage tower is another great option if you have a narrow space.

At Delton Cabinets, we believe your home should be as unique as you are! We build beautiful, custom, handcrafted cabinets. If you are looking for new cabinets get in touch with us today.

Alexandra Kulas